This program utilizes your PC's sound card to produce audio frequencies ranging from 100 to 15000 Hz. Key features include: easy input frequency adjustment through Mouse or Keyboard, selection of audio output device if multiple are available, level control customization, instant sound toggling without program exit.
Uses your PC sound card to create audio frequencies in the range 100 to 15000 Hz.
Main features:
-Input frequency using the Mouse or the Keyboard.
-Select the audio output device if there are more than one on the PC.
-Adjustable level control.
-Turn sound on or off without having to exit the signal generator program.
-The program is a very small 32Kb, when installed. The simple NSIS installer and help file
-increases the file size that you download to 91Kb, which should only take a couple of
-seconds on dial-up or an instant on broadband.
-To Uninstall go to Control Panel, [Programs and Features]{for Vista users.}
-The Audio Frequency Generator is accessed from the Start Button / Programs / Accessories program group.